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Soul Contract, an introduction

At the core of our existence lies an extraordinary and profound truth: every soul enters this world with a purpose, a divine plan that transcends the physical realm. This plan, known as the soul contract, is a blueprint we agree to before incarnating into our earthly bodies. It is a sacred agreement that determines the key experiences, challenges, relationships, and lessons we will encounter during our lifetime.

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The Power of Positive Habits from Change your life: Think Positive

Habits are the foundation of our daily lives. They shape our actions, influence our thoughts, and potentially transform our character. The power of positive habits can support your journey toward personal growth and positive thinking, inspiring you to become the best version of yourself. By building healthy habits, you can create lasting change in your life.

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Nurturing Self-Compassion and Self-Love from my book Self Discovery

In the grand tapestry of life, we often find it easier to extend compassion and love to others than ourselves. Yet, self-compassion and self-love are foundational to personal growth and well-being, treating us with kindness and offering guidance on nurturing self-compassion and self-love. The Essence of Self-Compassion Self-compassion extends the same understanding, gentleness, and…