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Press Release Colours of Life

Author’s new book receives a warm literary welcome. Readers’ Favorite announces the review of the Fiction – Cultural book “Colours of Life” by Md. Taslim, currently available at Readers’ Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House,…

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Colours of Life

I want to share my happiness with you. My book Colours of Life has received 5 star review from International Readers’Choice Award. Reviewed By Tammy Ruggles for Readers’ Favorite of Life: A Colurful Magic, by Md Taslim, is an inspiring, aesthetic work of fiction that encourages readers to celebrate life in all its colors….

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Colours of Life (Excerpt-1) Colours of Life. What you think you become. For the poor, life has a different meaning. They are asked to look up. For rich life is a luxury etc. They are asked to look down. ……..         Colours of life- After all, what is life? Is it different for different people?  But life is a…