Honey & Milk- Obsession (My upcoming book)

Honey & Milk

Honey and milk both are packed with essential nutrients and are known for their amazing health benefits. It is known for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Milk is a rich source of protein, calcium, and lactic acid, is nature’s most sacred treasures. They are effective when consumed together.

Milk is a powerful symbol within most cultural traditions. It is the fluid of eternal life, fertility, abundance. The first human diet. We accept the definition of “milk and honey” as a metaphor meaning all good things – God’s blessings.

Milk symbolizes emotional nourishment and protectiveness. It is also a sign of positive emotional changes in our life. Milk in dreams symbolizes kindness, maternal instincts, nurturing, and compassion.

In the Bible, honey usually means delight or joy. It also symbolizes good health and prosperity.

The temperature for honey should be less than 140 degrees,much lower than our glass of hot milk. When we mix honey in very hot milk, honey becomes toxic and hazardous for health.

Milk and honey in their current use are expression of pure means of enjoyment. Here, Honey and milk is an obsessive love for a woman, which is purely one-sided sexual desire.

Honey & Milk- obsession

Obsession is an idea or thought that preoccupies person’s mind. One becomes powerless to resist. It is the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire.

Obsession is an extremely unhealthy interest in something or someone.

Obsession has mostly negative connotations. Like a crazy stalker, a workaholic, ritualistic hand washing, or a barrage of unwanted thoughts that never goes away.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental illness. It is made up of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted and repetitive thoughts, urges, or images that do not go away.

In obsessive love disorder person feels an overwhelming obsessive desire to possess without accepting failure or rejection.

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