Frozen Moments

Suddenly Ira turned to me and asked "Why do we live?" I am taken aback by her question. I start staring at her face while thinking about the answer of her question. I am unable to think of any answer. In the process I take her hand in my hand and tell her "I think I am living to keep these hands in my hands for ever, for whole life. I wish to live to hear my name from your beautiful lips forever. I wish to live to hear your sweet melodious voice. I want to remain entrapped in your big magical eyes. I want to live with you forever." The ghat is now lit up with bright light. It appears as if someone has transformed the scene by a magical charm by murmuring "abracadabra". Colorful reflection of the ghat and surroundings in quietly running water of Ganges is looking divine. The hustle bustle around feels as if everyone has woken up from their slumber. There are sounds of bells and hymns of mantra. We are lost in these divine surroundings for awhile. Suddenly I took Ira's hand in my hand told "you know Ira, we live to keep this divine moment preserved in our memory forever."

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About the Book
Genre: Inspirational
Length: 112 pages
ISBN: 9781482857320

List Price: $7.5
eBook Price: $4.5
It is a good book wrote by Shri M Taslim . A good flow found in it .
– Amazon Customer
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