Colours of Life

I want to share my happiness with you. My book Colours of Life has received 5 star review from International Readers'Choice Award. Reviewed By Tammy Ruggles for Readers’ Favorite…

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Trick your brain for Happiness (Excerpt-4) Sex and Happiness Lots of sex doesn't always mean fulfilling sex or happiness. Factors such as the quality of sex and couple compatibility are more important for achieving a happy…

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Trick your brain for Happiness (Excerpt-3) How to Control Emotions All of us must have felt stress, anxiety, depression, or anger. At times we must have been controlled by them. We must have acted impulsively.…

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Trick your brain for Happiness (Excerpt-2)

Trick your brain for Happiness       Brain Programming                              What we think, we become.                                                             Buddha Subconscious programming starts with thoughts. These thoughts originate in the conscious mind. Then are…

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